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  At büji®, we aim to follow sustainable business practices that encourage outdoor exploration and stewardship of the Earth.

what's behind the name?

In short, we liked it. büji® was an endearing nickname given a long time ago to the youngest sister of the founder. It evoked many positive feelings of family, fun and adventure.

Call it coincidental, but after further digging, we learned that büji means "no hassle" or "not in a hurry" in mandarin Chinese. The translation corresponds fittingly with our original intention: to develop a line of products that protects and conditions the skin of active consumers so they can venture out and discover. It is in this spirit that büji was born.

For more information, email info@cadelabs.com or call 888.606.2854.



Responsible Ingredients
büji is taking a holistic approach to be the best company it can, making products that blend the best of the natural world with effective chemical/drug ingredients.  For example, we don’t use parabens (a common preservative) or chemical sunscreen ingredients in our büji Block™, both of which may have links to cancer. Learn more about our sunscreen protection. Our products under development will be paraben-free.

Sustainable Business
Sustainability is a long-term process, balancing continued commercial success with environmental and social impact.  We are constantly looking to improve by identifying like-minded business partners and lessening our own environmental impact. 

  • Bio-based plastics.  Our plastic tube supplier, Berry Plastics Corporation, is committed to introducing a bio-based product line in 2007.  We hope to implement this technology in the near future.
  • Responsible partnerships.  Berry Plastics operates on a zero-waste model.  We seek environmental consciousness from all our vendors.
  • Paperless office. We’re not there yet, but we’re working on it!
  • Internet marketing. büji focuses its marketing efforts online where you live and learn. We are striving to keep our paper-rich advertising methods to a minimum.
  • Local vendors.  With the exception of our plastic tubes, büji products and packages are manufactured and shipped using local, Chicago-area vendors.

We are a small company with big sustainability goals.  We are investigating plant-based inks, recycled packaging and renewable energy.  Please bear with us while we grow and learn!

Share your thoughts.  Tell how important sustainability is to you and stay informed of our progress by joining the büji Smart Panel

Outdoor Advocacy
At büji, we believe that people who learn to have fun outdoors become people who care about their environment.  By fostering outdoor activity, we contribute to healthier lives AND a healthier planet.  Learn more

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