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  what is büji?

what's behind the name?

In short, we liked it. büji was an endearing nickname given a long time ago to the youngest sister of the founder. It evoked many positive feelings of family, fun and adventure.

Call it coincidental, but after further digging, we learned that büji means "no hassle" or "not in a hurry" in mandarin Chinese. The translation corresponds fittingly with our original intention: to develop a line of skin care products that outsmarts the elements and enables people to venture out and discover. It is in this spirit that büji was born.



smart. straightforward. dynamic.

büji is smart. büji is a new, smart line of skin care products for people with active lifestyles. They’re smart in their design because they target the root cause of skin conditions, offering relief and protection from them, so you can more fully enjoy the outdoors. We select high quality ingredients and place equal importance in what our products don't contain—dyes, fragrance and other unnecessary potential irritants, to make our products especially smart choices for today’s active and informed consumer.

büji is straightforward. Our mission is clear. We create high-quality, smart products that relieve, protect and condition the skin so you can more fully enjoy the outdoors. Our packaging is clean and concise —it cuts through the clutter of choices and gives you what you want and need.

büji is dynamic. We are committed to innovation and to the needs and desires of our consumers. We listen to you and stay attuned to the latest advancements in skin health to respond in kind with newer, smarter products.

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