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“I recently contracted a severe case of poison oak. I've been highly allergic all my life. This was my first bad case in over 25 years. I was suffering for about 2 weeks, despite anti-biotics and steroids. Finally, after trying every home remedy and over the counter product we\'d heard of my wife brought home a tube of büji Wash. At that time I still had several areas effected and did a \"test\" on the two worst ones. After one wash, both areas quit itching and immediate I experienced reduced swelling.  After a few hours I took another shower scrubbing everywhere with büji Wash. Within 12 hours my poison oak was well on the way to disappearing.  My house will never again be without büji Wash! Thank you!”  ~ Bob, California
"I'd just like to say how great your product has worked for me. I received some free samples of your product in my registration packet when I attended Geowookstock IV in Texas over the Memorial Day weekend. Boy was it ever a lifesaver (or at least an arm and leg saver)! I've never seen poison ivy as huge as what I saw in Texas but thanks to the büji™ Wash I came away from Geowoodstock IV with only fond memories instead of a bad case of posion ivy. I now carry büji™ Wash in my backpack when I hit the woods for geocaching, hiking or camping. While geocaching on vacation in Indiana this summer, I was happy to have a some büji ™ Wash in my pack after my wife pointed out that while watching the GPS instead of the ground, I had just waded through a knee deep patch of posion ivy (in shorts). Again I'm happy to report that thanks to the büji™ Wash I came through it with out even a hint of poison ivy. Thanks, Kevin "
~ Kevin B. Geocacher
"I Was playing a cache game a week a go and there was a cache right in the middle of a poison ivy patch, So I put on buji block! Jumped right in and got the cache, then I used the wash, And I have no signs of the bad old weed. But a good friend of mine did not use buji at all now he has poison ivy on his hands and arms so I'm convinced it works."
~ Ed S., Geocacher
"My 6 year old son was polluted with poison ivy on his face, arms and legs. He was solid pink from all of the calamine lotion that was on him and still he was ichy. The relief was amazing after just 1 shower with büji Wash. I would recommend this product to anyone. I won't be without it in my home."
~ Theresa J, Boston, MA
"Büji Block is AWESOME. My boyfriend and I went hiking yesterday and he got covered with ticks. I, however, had put on büji because I am very sensitive to poison ivy. I did not have one tick on me except for my sock. Would you believe he put it on and there were no more ticks! We sat down for a break and took our shoes off. An ant started crawling on his foot and would not crawl on the büji Block. We will NEVER go hiking without our büji Block again. PLEASE get Walgreens to stock your product!!!!"
~ Dana T., Florrissant, MO
“I got some WASH on the way home today (Wednesday), having contacted some sort of ivy last Sunday. I tried other products and the results were short-lived. Tonight I tried the WASH and it is unbelievable.  Although expensive compared to other solutions, it is worth every cent. I am converted. I will try BLOCK at the next opportunity. Thanks for a great product. “
~ Art
“For the past year, my family has been having to deal with almost constant exposure to poison oak. We live high on a hill with beautiful views, wonderful animals (horses, dairy goats, dogs, cats, chickens, pigs, etc. and a TON of poison oak. No matter how careful we are, there always seems to be an animal that has traipsed through it somehow and then transfers it to us. Unfortunately, my youngest son is highly allergic to poison oak and when exposed, typically has to go in for steroid shots and prescription medication. Unfortunately, even those medications still left him miserable, so we are always trying new (and extremely expensive) over the counter "remedies" to speed the healing process along. None of which really worked until we came across buji. At first my son was reluctant, trying to get me to buy the $30 product instead of büji. But I read the label and liked the idea that you could use it ANYTIME after exposure, not being limited to within a few hours of exposure. (and since I too had poison oak, and had no idea when I had been exposed, I wanted to try büji for me!) So, we purchased it and though my son didn't say anything, I sure noticed a difference the first night. He actually slept through the night! Usually, he would have to get up at least once a night and re-apply what ever product we were using, just to get some rest. But he slept through the night and so did I! What a gift. Now, at the first sign of exposure, my son runs for the büji and for the past few months since we discovered this product, he has yet to have to go to the doctors for the steroid shots! As I sit here at work, I noticed that I apparently was exposed to poison oak somewhere along my run last night (or it could have been the neighbors cat that came to say hi:). I called my son, to tell him i have poison oak and the first thing out of his mouth is "you need büji". Yes I do, and we are sooooo glad that you have developed a product actually does what it promises! Now if I just had a tube at work....”
~ Kym, Santa Ynez, CA
“I just want to thank you so much for your wash product. I am 51 years old & for the past 3 years I have gotten poison ivy. I know what it looks like & I spray the ivy with killer, & I do kill it off. But I manage to always end up with it throughout the summer. I tried your product after my second bout with poison ivy & I was amazed at the instant relief. Thank you so much. I'm now using it on my third bout & I hardly know I have poison ivy. You guys are great, again thank you !”
~ Berni, OH
"I received a sample through Midwest Geobash. ...Came home from a day of caching to find reddened areas around my ankles. Had seen poison ivy so it was possible I'd gotten into some. Used the büji Wash and had NO itching, no blisters, the redness was GONE within three days. So if it was poison ivy, the büji sure took care of it!"
– Mary, MI
“Thank you büji for creating a wash that really works for relieving my poison ivy!  Since I was a little girl, I get a poison ivy rash every summer. This summer, I did it again but it was worse since I don’t remember when I picked it up and it started on my finger tips.  It didn’t take long to spread to my arms and legs.  As soon as I realized that I had poison ivy, I went to my poison ivy arsenal in my medicine cabinet to look for my strongest potion to relieve and stop the itch. Either nothing I had worked or I couldn’t remember what I used before. I literally ran over to Rite Aid, picked up your wash and raced home to use it.  Immediately, I noticed that the wash offered a gentle exfoliating scrub which relieved my itch and then the rash began to dry up.  I would say that the rash lasted half as long as usual and it wasn’t as irritating as in the past! Thanks so much again.  Now my poison ivy arsenal is fully stocked with your wash—and block!”
– Aggie, MD
“I tried your product a few days after exposure, since i wasn't sure @ first if it was poison ivy or oak. I usually have to take Prednisone for bad reactions. So far buji wash is keeping the reaction from progressing! Thank You! Nothing else has ever worked besides steroids.”
~ Pat, NY
“I am one that usually suffers severe allergic rash from PI. I came in contact with some last Saturday when checking on a geocache and by Sunday afternoon had a bad rash on my arm. I used the büji Wash and the rash stopped "spreading". Also, the itching seemed to be relieved. One more application should completely dry all of the rash and I can get back to geocaching.”
– Phillip, TN
“I read an article about your products in the Detroit Free Press newspaper. That same day I went and purchased the büji Wash™ for my son who was suffering from poison ivy for over a month. Within one week of using the büji Wash™ (2x/day) his poison ivy was gone! I had previously taken him to his doctor who prescribed steroids (which did not work and we did not like the side affects) and hydrocortisone cream without doing anything for his skin condition.  Next spring we will have the cream you apply before getting poison ivy and the wash as well. Thank you so much.”
– Jodi S., MI
“...my husband got into poison oak in his work a couple times this summer.  He is a guy that really gets it bad.  The first time he got a few little itchies on his knee, and I coaxed him into using a bit of my büji sample on it.  He only washed it once, and he still got a light case of poison oak (but then, I have never seen him have a light case before).  The next time, he knew he had been around it, but thought he had stayed out of it - however he had the tell-tale itch at the end of that same work day - on his upper arm, and he had been wearing a long sleeved shirt. (How does he do that?)  He washed once then, and once more before bedtime, and again the next day.  He got a few red spots, but they never blistered.  Pretty amazing. 

I got into some too this summer and was careless about cleaning off afterward, so I got the itchies a couple days later while I was out working.  Then I remembered that I was carrying my geocaching pack around with my lunch, and I used half of one of the little samples right then.  It quit itching right away, but a few hours later it started to itch again, so I used the other half of the little packet.  Then I washed after I got home that evening, and I never had any more sign of it.  Got to say that's the best stuff I have ever used on it.  Blessings, Hoo T. Owl  (Ruth Smith)” – Geocacher

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