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Poison Ivy Protection
büji Block ™ provides a protective layer on your skin to help prevent absorption of the skin irritating oils found in poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. büji Block also contains and SPF 24 sunscreen for double protection.

Poison Ivy Remedy
Already exposed to poison ivy? büji Wash™ is designed to remove poison ivy oils from your skin, anytime after exposure—even days after a rash appears for fast relief of itching and irritation.

Traditional poison ivy treatments, such as calamine lotion or hydrocortisone, only temporarily suppress the itch.   büji Wash actually removes the oils so that itching and irritation are quickly relieved or eliminated.

Get a $3 büji coupon good at Rite Aid.





Poison ivy affecting your golf game? Get out of the rough with büji Block™ and büji Wash™, the only dual-acting poison ivy/oak system with SPF 24 designed to prevent skin reactions before they start.

In the Rough – Golf Rules

Lost Ball
A player has five minutes to look for a ball before it is deemed lost.  Add a one stroke penalty if you can’t find it.  Add a good measure of guilt and a big tip if you find your ball in poison ivy and ask your caddy to retrieve it.

No Free Lie for Poison Ivy
According to Decision 1-4/11, Rules of Golf, players are not entitled to a free lie for balls that land in poison ivy, cacti or stinging nettles.  Officials ruled that, although unpleasant, these plants are “a common occurrence which players must accept.”  Subsequent whining or bawling out the groundskeeper is just bad form.

Poison Ivy Treatment
Poison ivy’s oily resins stick to almost any surface including golf clubs, balls, shoes and clothing.  Golf etiquette says you should warn your buddies that your ball and clubs have been contaminated with poison ivy before proceeding with play.  Games won by purposely contaminating your opponent with a painful rash are ill-gotten and should be considered void by all honorable participants.

Suggest more golf rules, tips and etiquette for playing in the rough.  If we feature your suggestion, we’ll send you a free, full size set of büji Block and büji Wash.  Send your ideas to InTheRough@bujiproducts.com

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