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Poison Ivy Protection
Don’t just treat a poison ivy rash, help prevent outbreaks with büji Block™.  büji Block™ provides a protective layer on  your skin, to help prevent the absorption of urushiol, the skin irritating oil found in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac.  büji Block also contains and SPF 24 sunscreen for double protection.

Poison Ivy Remedy
Already exposed to poison ivy?  büji Wash is designed to remove poison ivy oils from your skin, anytime after exposure—even days after a rash appears for fast relief of itching and irritation.   

Regular soap and water may only spread the oils.  Traditional poison ivy treatments, such as calamine lotion or hydrocortisone, temporarily suppress the itch, but they can’t cure a poison ivy rash.   büji Wash™ works by adhering to the oils and dissolving them, so your skin can heal.

Learn how to spot poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.





And when your back stops breaking and your hands begin to harden
You will find yourself a partner in the Glory of the Garden. 
from “Glory of the Garden” by Rudyard Kipling

For many northerly types, early spring is still a time of dreaming and planning.  Some are encouraging their wintered bulbs to sprout or planting early tomato seeds under a grow light.

Head south, and fortunate souls are already out in the dirt, cleaning debris, and pushing mulch aside, giving their perennials room to stretch and yawn as they reawaken to spring. 

Win a Garden Tote Stocked with büji® Products
Whether you are still shuffling seed packets or have already broken ground, büji wants to add one more tool to your garden tote this spring:

Tell us how you get rid of poison ivy.  Send an email to Gardeners@bujiproducts.com.  We’ll post some of the best ideas to our site, and one lucky gardener will get a free garden tote stocked with hand tools and a full size set of büji Block™ and büji Wash™. 

büji Block™ and büji Wash™ are the only poison ivy protection system with SPF designed to prevent skin reactions before they start. So even if you don’t win the poison ivy war this year, you can go into battle prepared.

Get a $3 off coupon and learn more about poison ivy at www.bujiproducts.com.


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