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büji Block™ is a pre-contact protective lotion that helps guard against allergic reactions. When applied, it forms a protective layer on your skin that helps inhibit absorption of urushiol, the toxic oil found in poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.  büji Block also features an SPF 24 sunscreen for double protection.

For more information, email info@cadelabs.com or call 888.606.2854.






Thanks to CC Cooper Agency (top ranked cacher in the world) & MrsCaptainPicard for helping develop this packing list specifically for geocachers.

  • GPS
  • Spare batteries
  • Maps
  • Cache data and notes
  • Cell phone
  • Flashlight
  • Walking stick or snake stick
  • Insect Repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Poison ivy/oak protection (such as büji Block™ and büji Wash™)
  • First aid kit
  • Water
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Pocket knife
  • Pen
  • Camera
  • Energy bar or trail mix
  • Trinkets for trading

Always remember to tell a friend or family member where you’ll be and what time you’ll return.  Be able to identify poisonous plants before you hit the trail and guard against allergic reactions with büji Block. 

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